What times do you have available to show horses? I do have help with the riding and showing of horses so we have appointment times during the week and limited weekends available.
What is your sales policy? I operate on a first come first serve basis to appropriate qualified homes. I do my absolute best not to pick favorites and honor the first come policy. Essentially what that means is that I do not hold horses. Horses are available until they are paid for in full. If vetting is actually set up (scheduled with day/time) we will hold for that vetting if within a five day time frame. We continue to show the horses until the vetting is complete and payment is made. There are many reasons that people may pass on a horse during a vetting and another customer may be perfectly happy with the results of the said vetting. It is also common that people back out of vettings or simply change their mind before a vetting which is why we do not take horses off the market. That does mean a horse may be sold to someone who buys the horse sight unseen before your appointment to come and see it. I will always let you know before you make a drive out to my farm if a horse is sold. I do my best to notify everyone right away that a horse is sold. I realize it can be frustrating to have a horse sold that you wanted to come and see but many of mine do sell to buyers who are comfortable with the buying sight unseen process. If you have any questions please let me know. I like to say that there are always more horses and if I sell one you are interested in then I will do my best to find you another one!
Vetting Policy:
Once we have agreed to move forward with a ppe it should be set up for within 5 business days.
The buyer has 2 business days at max to decide if they are proceeding with the sale after the conclusion of the ppe. A quicker response is greatly appreciated as horses often have a line.
A non refundable deposit of $200 once the ppe is scheduled will hold the horse for you through the vetting. This simply means I will not sell the horse outright or have a sooner ppe set by someone else while we are waiting for yours. The deposit will be applied to the price of the horse. This is a non refundable deposit, so in the event you decide not to proceed with the sale or ppe for any reason it will not be returned.
You can chose not to put down a deposit while waiting for the ppe however, that means someone else might decide to purchase the horse outright before your vetting.
What payment methods do you accept: I take paypal, venmo, cashiers check and wire. Personal checks on a limited basis and must clear before horses leave.
Do you have a list of vets in your area? I am in Delaware and they aren't as many vet practices as in larger areas but I do have a list of vets and you are welcome to have your own vet come if they are in the area where they can travel to me. All the vets do digital xrays. Most are very comfortable vetting for customers who can't be present for the vettings. They typically will do the flexions, lunging, etc and then call to discuss the results before proceeding to anything else.
Choptank Equine (MD) 1-410-429-7347
Unionville Equine (PA) 610-932-6800
Equine Veterinary Care (fairhill, MD) 410-392-6646
Do you ship or have a list of shippers? We do ship within a 3-4 hour range and can often do longer trips depending on the schedule. I have many shipping contacts and can also help you get shipping set up. I have many horses that ship long distances. I will hold the horses for a week at no cost while shipping is arranged but after that it is $25 a day until horse is picked up. List of recommended shippers here- https://benchmarksporthorses.com/list
We have a 7 day pick up policy after your payment has been made. We have a very busy barn with limited space and are unable to hold horses past seven days. There is a $25 a day fee for anything that needs to stay past the 7 days post purchase.
References/graduate information : https://www.facebook.com/groups/2922626288055600 also my Benchmark Sport Horses facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/benchmarksporthorses
Listen to podcast with Major League Eventing discussing all things TB and Benchmark- https://www.buzzsprout.com/168580/1092173-bonus-ottb-101-with-jessica-redman
Listen to my podcast segments with OTTB on Tap here- https://rss.com/podcasts/ottbontap/
Zander is our latest arrival. He is a 7yr crossbred (I am assuming dutch harness) around 16h maybe a smidge bigger. He was a driving horse. We got him out today and started him lunging but we are pretty sure he isn't broke to ride. We will be starting him with some lunging/etc. These pictures do not even do him justice. This horse is drop dead gorgeous with the prettiest head/eye.
Breed: Crossbred gelding
Age: 2018
Height: 16h
Price: $TBD subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324106289/
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn2ovZQzDI3BFapyEirYSNsQ
Tough to pick a favorite but boy this one is just spectacular. He is a 7yr 17.3 h cross. No, I do not know what his breeding is so all I can do is guess. I was told dutch x but I think it can be tough to tell. These are all imports from Canada. Call him a warmblood or whatever you want I won't tell lol :) I think he is such a cool horse and a great mover.
Again, this won't be everyone's cup of tea so feel free to scroll right on by if it isn't. This is a very large uphill horse who is truly big but with his neck set on so high he just seems even taller. I think he is the coolest darn mover and I am obsessed with that canter. He has an incredible hind leg and shoulder reach. I think the sky is the limit with him. I have seen riding videos and he looks quite lovely and they said he can seriously jump which I do not doubt.
He has been excellent for shipping, clipping, baths, hot shoes, turnout, in his stall and everything else. He is big but extremely mannerly.
We will be updating the website with more info as we get it so please check out www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: Crossbred gelding
Age: 2018
Height: 17.3h
Price: $TBD subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324195452
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1IYumo8QVNdQLadVqPF_7d
In Jessica's field of toys you will meet Waylon who I found myself buying in an online bidding war :) I see why auction prices are so high because I very much did not intend on spending that much but I really liked this horse! He had been bred, raised and trained by awesome TB people. They own the stallion (a TB) and his dam (Clyde). Waylon grew up doing all the right things. He rides english, western, has been on trails, through water, around farm animals, kids, worked cows and more. They very much put a great start on these horses.
Out of all the draft crosses, I really like a clyde/tb. I would say Waylon is going to probably be 16.3 when done as he is a smidge over 16h and doesn't turn 3 until May. I think he is stunning and put together so nicely. These crosses are light and can be upper level mounts when crossed with a nice TB. https://www.allbreedpedigree.com/waylon8 is his breeding.
I really like his movement. It started to rain as soon as we went out so more to come later! https://youtu.be/YTqyqHTmR08
Breed: Clyde/TB cross
Age: 2022
Height: 16h
Pedigree: https://www.allbreedpedigree.com/waylon8
Price: $TBD subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324194510
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1heAx4LtUTjZV-ZfIBpKXn
Calypso is a 7yr 16.3 h crossbred who I imported from Canada. No, I do not know his exact breeding.
Most recent video https://youtu.be/MQ9P80wdvo0
I think he is just so cool! I really liked the video that I bought him off so I was curious if he was what I thought he would be. He seems just so darn smart and actually even quieter than I thought. He really started figuring out the stretching down and out which changes the movement quite a bit! I think these types are cool but I realize they are not what everyone likes and that is just fine. What I like is a big uphill horse with a great hind leg and they have it. When this horse really learns to use his parts he is going to just sit down and come up with those shoulders in an impressive way. He is just so rideable. Yes, he doesn't know a lot but he also could have cared less that we were pushing all sorts of different buttons. I bet in a few rides he will look like a different horse! You can really push him down and out so gives us a few rides to show him that. His canter right was quite nice and the canter left just needs a bit more straightness to bring his shoulders a bit more square. We always do this ride as an evaluation to know what we are starting with. This one is so fun!!!
Ride two and we just had to see if he jumped and he was just so darn good. I really think this is a horse I can see fitting so so many people. If you hunt, you should come see this horse! He is big, quiet, sure footed, uphill, doesn't pull and athletic enough to cover the big hunt territory. He was brave to the jumps and sensible. I am sure he had never seen anything like these fillers but boy was he so game!
He has been very good for shipping, clipping, baths, grooming, turnout, in his stall, hot shoes and everything in between. He appears sound, no injuries and has no vices.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all the details.
Breed: Crossbred gelding
Age: 2018
Height: 16.3h
Price: $15000 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324199176
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn0HdvMXrVVMng-TXGx2Z0-P
Wyatt is a 16.3 h 5yr crossbred. No, I do not know what his breeding is so all I can do is guess. I was told perch x but I think it can be tough to tell. These are all imports from Canada. He looks like he is more of a warmblood type.
First ride- https://youtu.be/SVO6qQUyjGc I just thought he was beyond cool. Honestly, this one I knew was pretty green but boy is the raw material quite lovely. We just wanted to have a sit so we could see what he was all about and now we know what to work on. He was so good with the other horse lunging up at the top and he really just shows so much talent. I think this one is my personal favorite of the bunch. I don't know if anyone would have bought him because he really was beyond ugly so I will post his actual picture that I bought him off so you can see how crazy I am lol! I just love his brain!
I don't know a whole lot about him besides his manners are impeccable. He rides/drives. He has the coolest personality and I am legit obsessed with him from the moment I saw him. I can tell you he is extremely tolerant to ride based on the video that I saw of him. He gives me the feeling that he is going to be very very fancy but also the type with a great brain.
I think he is just incredible and I personally love the way he moves but if you do not feel free to scroll right on by :) These are athletic types that are uphill, powerful hind legs and big uphill canters. They are not your plodding kind of crosses which is great for those who want something athletic but maybe don't want a TB.
He is sound, no injuries and has no vices. He has been excellent with everything we have thrown at him. Shipping, clipping, baths, wash stall, turnout, in his stall, etc. Was excellent for hot shoes today.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com will have the details as we get them so check back there!
Breed: Crossbred gelding
Age: 2020
Height: 16.3h
Price: $12000 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324199176
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn363tttg5iQXypPsHzPocze
Everyone needs a Cleo! She is a 16.1 h 15yr draft cross mare who recently came down from Canada. This mare has done it all and then some. Rides, drives, trail rides, jumps, english and western. Just one of those all around horses that anyone can ride and you can do anything with from trails, foxhunting, eventing and so much more.
I love me a good draft cross but some are a bit clunky. She is a big girl who is quite wide and square but she is athletic and light enough to go in the show ring or cover the ground out hunting. She is an adorable mover and a truly packer type. Ride her on the buckle. Justin gave her a true test today. Rode her like a lesson horse doing some around the world, no reins, hands on the hips and so much more. She was just like whatever kid I just will go around. She would end up at the gate very calmly when on no reins but steered right on by with just a squeeze of the leg :) You can also see in this video she got buzzed by a very large 17.3 horse that sounds like a freight train and she was an unmovable object. Just never even blinked an eye at him come up behind or at her.
I will note that today the wind was whipping around and my ring is super busy with tons of jump fillers that are very spooky. She could have cared less about anything. Then she went out to the field where she popped over all the jumps that he pointed her about a cute as they come. He rode her all sorts of bad like a lesson kid might at times putting her on some weird lines and she again just did her job about as perfectly as you could want.
I think she is just an adorable mover. Keeps her head super level. Nicely balanced. I am sure you could teach her to soften up very easy but we weren't going to pick that on ride one. She never changes pace or rhythm. While she is on the slow side she is not what we call lazy. She maintains on her own without needing to kick to death. I think she could easily keep up in the hunt field or do well out eventing probably novice and below. She isn't strong and doesn't pull. Won't pull a beginner type out of the saddle.
I could see her fitting so many riders because really who does not need something like this? She is barefoot, sound, no injuries and has no vices.
She does have a cut forelock just as a fyi. It will grow but yeah not my favorite look. The only thing I can say about her is that she really doesn't have a huge personality at this point. She knows how to do her job and she does it well but she doesn't really know "love." We are trying to tell her that we are going to give her treats and lots of pets but she isn't quite sure about it yet.
She has perfect manners. Grooming, tacking, baths, mounting, etc. She is the only one that walks past the scary stack of sawdust bags with the plastic billowing without a care in the world.
Her ride video because it is just the most adorable ever- https://youtu.be/RhZflJQntiI
All her details are at www.benchmarksporthorses.com including number of carrots so please go there first.
Breed: Crossbred mare
Age: 2010
Height: 16.1h
Price: $10,000 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324193842
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1D-a2ntWKS5LXQKbiXVvQl
Jackson is a 8yr 15.2 h adorable dutch cross gelding. I don't know a ton of his history but in the time that we have had him he has come along so fast it is almost unbelievable. I didn't know a lot about dutch harness crosses but after having him I went and bought more! I am pretty positive he was a driving horse and while he was great to ride from the start he didn't really know a lot about using his body like a riding horse. He has quickly figured that out with just a few rides. He is now stretching down quite nicely. I know these driving horses don't always have a good canter but he does have a good canter! This horse has a super good jump, super scopey, brave and already has natural changes. He truly has a great canter which is lending itself towards a good jump.
While he is still a green horse he is a GOOD horse. He is quiet, forgiving, more whoa than go and just so much fun. Can I promise you he will never put a foot wrong? No, I cannot do that but I can tell you we have now gotten to see him in freezing cold, 40mph winds, when he hasn't been ridden in 5 days and other situations that truly tested his brain. He is reliable. His rider is a bit green to jumping and well he is green as well but he holds no grudges if mistakes are made. He has a very quiet way of going to the jump and landing from the jump. I have not seen him put a foot wrong since arrival. Now he will give things the side eye when you ride by but I wouldn't say he is spooky. I think it is a bit of the nature of the breed that they are aware. He is like let me look at this but he goes right on by whatever he happens to be looking at so really very normal.
I think he is a good mover with a great hind leg, lovely uphill build and has three quality gaits. He has a good walk and a nice canter. He seems to have his changes automatically because he is uphill and balanced. He is learning to stretch down. He has a soft mouth being ridden in a rubber bit. He is a horse you can put your leg on and push down and out.
He has just started jumping but boy does he like it! He totally wants to foxhunt/event or do some jumpers. He is excellent at just getting there in a good balance and taking care of you. You feel safe on him despite him being green. He went out to the field today for his second time jumping and he rocked right around the xc jumps. He is just such a star. I absolutely adore him and he is so fun.
We just LOVE this horse. He is so cool. Great personality. Sound, no injuries and no vices. Easy keeper. Hilarious personality. Just fun to be around and ride.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all his details.
Breed: Crossbred (perch/tb?)
Age: 2017
Height: 15.2h
Price: $8500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323613241
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn2VIkvdj2nQvIjFktj0FYNv
Archie is a 10yr 16.1 h draft cross gelding. Archie is a horse that I have really come to love. Every time I see him go, I think someone that hunts would love this horse or even an eventer. Well heck I mean a lot of us need a horse like him. I say this with no malice but he is a horse that I think would pack a lot of people around that I see in the hunt field. You can't see a distance? Archie doesn't care! He is going to stuff that spot in and get you to the other side. You grab, pull, kick, fall back or flop and he isn't going to punish you for it. He has no spook. No bad behavior. He is athletic enough to go all day and be fun as they come but he isn't so athletic that he feels scary if that makes sense? He is comfortable, uphill and balanced. He has a bit of a 5th leg and he is as tough as nails. He has learned to come over his back and stretch down. He is quite a nice mover with a nice uphill feel about him. I think he would be great for someone who is brave and wants an athletic horse but they can be someone that is more of a beginner in terms of riding skill.
Now Archie is not a hot horse but he is also a horse that probably has been whacked around a little bit so he had some first five minute of the ride anxiety when coming to us. The one thing he still isn't great about is standing perfectly still at the mounting block. He has a lot of anxiety about mounting and while it is a ton better he can take a minute to convince to stand still. If you need one that stands perfect he isn't there yet. Treats go a long way with him but honestly he gets better all the time so I do think he will realize his new job is rather boring and we aren't going to go running around.
Archie is the type that I think you could crack a whip off, shoot off, etc. Those sorts of things do not bother him. He is not affected by traffic, horses coming at him or behind him or anything else that I have found.
He is sound, barefoot and has no vices. Easy keeper. Happy to live out or come in. He is a bit of a loud breather when you ride him. I haven't scoped him and he will go all day but he does makes some noise. He isn't the greatest about picking up his back feet. Again someone has been rough with him so if you go slow he is great but he is NOT a horse you can whack on. If that is your style he is not going to work for you. He will do anything for you if you are kind.
Lots of videos here- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1nODs9V_dhNErWGx94rAuJ
full details at www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: Crossbred (perch/tb?)
Age: 2015 (vet/horse dentist verified)
Height: 16.1h
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323589221
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1nODs9V_dhNErWGx94rAuJ
Whistlejacket- 5yr 16.3 h gelding sired by Violence (Medaglia D'Oro) out of a Empire Maker mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/whistlejacket4 Yes, quite a droolworthy pedigree and he has the looks to match! Whistle ran 2x back in 2022 as a 2yr. He had a minor injury that was very properly rehabbed where he returned to training. They decided to go ahead and retire him so he could have a full career. He was purchased by his last owner where he essentially hung out in the field for a year simply due to her lack of time. She reached out to me and said look this horse is really nice and he needs to go have a job. He wants to do all the fancy things!
Whistle is a stunning horse and the sun has not shined so we are lacking in the picture department. He is so darn cool. Great personality. So well behaved. Pro for shipping, baths, grooming, mane pulling, cross ties, tacking up, mounting, etc. We went to do his first ride today when it was gusting so hard we were blowing sideways and he was great. A little side eye at the horse lunging at the top of the ring but that is a very confusing thing to process so I thought he was amazing.
More to come on him soon! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn0a5uJ2Lpe1N4lC0rWbgjOR
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2020
Height: 16.3h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/whistlejacket4
Price: $TBD subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324255690
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn0a5uJ2Lpe1N4lC0rWbgjOR
Coming soon
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2021
Height: 16.1h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/won+ninety
Price: $TBD subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324200601
Link to videos-
Spatial Reality is a stunning 16.1 h 5y mare sired by Destin out of an Offlee Wild mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/spatial+reality Lightly raced with 11 starts retiring sound with no injuries or vices. She has been let down on the farm since her last race in October.
Sometimes I just can't figure out the market. I think Spatial Reality is just such a nice mare that has all the right pieces to be very special in the right hands. Gorgeous, good size, nice mover, super canter, uphill and fun to ride. She is athletic as they come but has a good brain. She is a more sensitive mare in that she really wants to do everything right so you need to not rush her along. I had two people commit to vettings and then ghost me which is pretty much the normal right now.
I figured this mare was going to jump super well but once again everyone waits for the video This was her first time jumping today and she simply was unbelievable. I really expect to jump a few x's but she was so confident and brave. This mare can seriously jump! Justin did a great job just giving her a confidence boosting ride around. Video here https://youtu.be/XKelFojmC5U for a first jump session you know you have something special when they use their body like that and are just like yep got it over all the scary fillers.
I think this mare is the real deal. She is sound, no injuries, no vices, good feet and has no holes. She is athletic and sporty. She can be forward thinking in the first 5 min of her ride so she is not for a beginner but she is not a naughty horse. The wind was blowing sideways today and she could have cared less. She is just so naturally balanced and has a canter you want to ride all day.
She has been excellent with shipping, baths, grooming, wash stall, turnout, in her stall, mounting and everything in between. She is not silly/marish/etc.
Located in Delaware.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all her details.
Breed: TB mare
Age: 2020
Height: 16.1h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/spatial+reality
Price: $6500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720324005324
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1JhPlY7heMFGa0NXMvG0Gt
My second horse that fits the description of a horse that you can just pull out and do anything with is Curlin Bourbon. I know...he is a coming 3yr and that is a young horse. The brain is the brain and his one sure has the one everyone hopes to find. He has been just so happy to do anything asked of him. Today he went out to the field and he never even glanced at any of the spooky stuff. He was just so relaxed and happy. He was introduced to a little course of logs which he so cutely trotted around just as adorable as they come. He is such a good egg. You just want to squeeze him he is so cute. He truly is a wants to be your pet kind of horse.
His adorable video of him going around the field and popping over all the logs https://youtu.be/7fpYrJnvSdI
Curlin Bourbon- 15.3 h growing 3yr gelding sired by Curlin out of a Ghostzapper mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/curlin+bourbon If you know...you know..that pedigree is just droolworthy! He had two starts retiring sound, no injuries and has no vices. He was a 170k 2yr but just showed no talent. He has an interesting feature if you dig scars. He had broken ribs as a foal and on his left side there are some suture scars from rib repair. His album has lots of pictures. This in no way affects him but obviously something to note.
I saw some videos of him just being ridden around the field and could tell he was just that kind of horse that anyone could ride. He arrived and he is exactly that. If he could crawl into your lap to cuddle he would. He is just the kindest horse. You can just tell he has the brain everyone wants. He is beyond quiet. He is content to just hang out with his people.
Working around this horse reminds me that age is just a number. He is just the easiest horse in the barn. I really do think you could pretty much ride him anywhere and everywhere right now. He is just tolerant beyond being tolerant. I think their brain is the brain and it really doesn't matter how old they are because that can't be changed. He just goes around like a good boy. He is learning to lunge and use his body a bit so that he can start to stretch down which is is getting quite nicely. You can ride him on the buckle or into the contact. He has a lovely way of going. Super cute mover. He rides quietly out in the field. Not spooky, not silly, not hot and just the type that makes you think he will go anywhere for you. He is just a baby so I don't do a ton with them but enough to show you they are exactly who they appear to be.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com for all his details. We are about to be crazy with incoming horses so if you see something you like we are open to reasonable offers.
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2022
Height: 15.3h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/curlin+bourbon
Price: $5000 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323924906
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1RM4u8HJJHbqYMqWBjWrGJ
ET's Kit Kat- 16.3 h 4yr mare sired by Emperor Tiberius out of a Candy Ride mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/e+ts+kit+kat Kit Kat trained but did not race. She has been off the track since May of 2024. She does have a registered work making her RRP eligible.
Kit Kat came to us about a month ago in super rough condition but she is feeling so good! She has been packing on the weight and her feet look awesome after adding shoes. I bought her not exactly realizing she was in such rough condition but I saw something very very special in her riding videos and boy was she worth the time. She obviously still has a bit to go but shouldn't take long now!
This mare can seriously move and jump!! We are just getting her fit right now but what a mover she is even being underweight and lacking muscle. She is very nicely uphill with a super hind leg. Just love the way her neck comes out of the shoulder. She does get a bit behind the bit here and there and she is pretty forward thinking so the hind leg can push down her front end right at this moment but that will all some as she gets stronger. We changed to the duo bit which she liked a lot better. She has such a great balanced canter.
We just had to see her over a fence and my lord yeah I would very much like to hold onto this one for a bit but now suspect everyone else will see what I saw in her from the first video. Wow! This one is going to have a very special jump on her.
So far she has worked her way right up onto the favorite list with my riders. You sit on her and you just know this one has all the right pieces to be big time.
Just give me a few more weeks to really get her glammed up and she will dazzle!
All details www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: TB mare
Age: 2021
Height: 16.3h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/e+ts+kit+kat
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720322868052/
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn308JyzyU4Cs7OJ3iTSHHN9
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