What times do you have available to show horses? I do have help with the riding and showing of horses so we have appointment times during the week and limited weekends available.
What is your sales policy? I operate on a first come first serve basis to appropriate qualified homes. I do my absolute best not to pick favorites and honor the first come policy. Essentially what that means is that I do not hold horses. Horses are available until they are paid for in full. If vetting is actually set up (scheduled with day/time) we will hold for that vetting if within a five day time frame. We continue to show the horses until the vetting is complete and payment is made. There are many reasons that people may pass on a horse during a vetting and another customer may be perfectly happy with the results of the said vetting. It is also common that people back out of vettings or simply change their mind before a vetting which is why we do not take horses off the market. That does mean a horse may be sold to someone who buys the horse sight unseen before your appointment to come and see it. I will always let you know before you make a drive out to my farm if a horse is sold. I do my best to notify everyone right away that a horse is sold. I realize it can be frustrating to have a horse sold that you wanted to come and see but many of mine do sell to buyers who are comfortable with the buying sight unseen process. If you have any questions please let me know. I like to say that there are always more horses and if I sell one you are interested in then I will do my best to find you another one!
Vetting Policy:
Once we have agreed to move forward with a ppe it should be set up for within 5 business days.
The buyer has 2 business days at max to decide if they are proceeding with the sale after the conclusion of the ppe. A quicker response is greatly appreciated as horses often have a line.
A non refundable deposit of $200 once the ppe is scheduled will hold the horse for you through the vetting. This simply means I will not sell the horse outright or have a sooner ppe set by someone else while we are waiting for yours. The deposit will be applied to the price of the horse. This is a non refundable deposit, so in the event you decide not to proceed with the sale or ppe for any reason it will not be returned.
You can chose not to put down a deposit while waiting for the ppe however, that means someone else might decide to purchase the horse outright before your vetting.
What payment methods do you accept: I take paypal, venmo, cashiers check and wire. Personal checks on a limited basis and must clear before horses leave.
Do you have a list of vets in your area? I am in Delaware and they aren't as many vet practices as in larger areas but I do have a list of vets and you are welcome to have your own vet come if they are in the area where they can travel to me. All the vets do digital xrays. Most are very comfortable vetting for customers who can't be present for the vettings. They typically will do the flexions, lunging, etc and then call to discuss the results before proceeding to anything else.
Choptank Equine (MD) 1-410-429-7347
Unionville Equine (PA) 610-932-6800
Equine Veterinary Care (fairhill, MD) 410-392-6646
Do you ship or have a list of shippers? We do ship within a 3-4 hour range and can often do longer trips depending on the schedule. I have many shipping contacts and can also help you get shipping set up. I have many horses that ship long distances. I will hold the horses for a week at no cost while shipping is arranged but after that it is $25 a day until horse is picked up. List of recommended shippers here- https://benchmarksporthorses.com/list
We have a 7 day pick up policy after your payment has been made. We have a very busy barn with limited space and are unable to hold horses past seven days. There is a $25 a day fee for anything that needs to stay past the 7 days post purchase.
References/graduate information : https://www.facebook.com/groups/2922626288055600 also my Benchmark Sport Horses facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/benchmarksporthorses
Listen to podcast with Major League Eventing discussing all things TB and Benchmark- https://www.buzzsprout.com/168580/1092173-bonus-ottb-101-with-jessica-redman
Listen to my podcast segments with OTTB on Tap here- https://rss.com/podcasts/ottbontap/
I might be the most proud of this horse. When I posted him the other day people were not super positive but nothing like a little negativity to make you more determined to show them off :) Eww dutch harness horses...they are spooky...they move up and down...they can be hot..etc. I admit when I got him I was like well this isn't exactly what I thought I bought but I like a good challenge. I have a darn good group of people who work for me getting these horses going. My team could take a donkey and get it going fancy so take that lol! If you watch his first video and then see today you should be amazed.
LOOK at him jumping come on now!!! https://youtu.be/Tyw2J_sbLzs
Jackson is a 8yr 15.2 h adorable dutch cross gelding. I don't know a ton of his history but in the time that we have had him he has come along so fast it is almost unbelievable. I am pretty positive he was a driving horse and while he was great to ride from the start he didn't really know a lot about using his body like a riding horse. He has quickly figured that out with just a few rides. He is now stretching down quite nicely. I know these driving horses don't always have a good canter but he does have a good canter!
It was blowing so hard today that I think any horse would be spooky and we moved all the jumps on the side of the ring for the upcoming storm. He looks at things but looking is the extent of it. We wanted to see if he liked jumping and boy did this little horse just impress the heck out of me! Not only did he like it but he is just beyond cute. He was so game and fun!!!!!
I think this is the kind of horse that people who want to go have fun on an athletic but safe horse will enjoy. Bet he is going to be awesome out hunting, eventing, etc. Quite a nice mover and he will just continue to get better.
We just LOVE this horse. He is so cool. Great personality. Sound, no injuries and no vices. Easy keeper. Hilarious personality. Just fun to be around and ride.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all his details.
Breed: Crossbred (perch/tb?)
Age: 2017
Height: 15.2h
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323613241
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn2VIkvdj2nQvIjFktj0FYNv
Archie- 10yr 16.1 h draft cross gelding. Archie is a horse that has come along so quickly in our program that he is almost unrecognizable from the horse that arrived. Archie may be a draft cross but he is a horse that is extremely athletic, light and forward thinking. This is not your casual ride once a week kind of horse. If you want a horse that will go all day and they go a little bit more than he is your type. If you want a casual stroll on the trail then he is not that :)
I do my best to describe our horses but the reality is that some of these crossbreds have unknown history. He came off the "sale" circuit. He is the type of horse that we truly enjoy riding because he is so athletic but he came to us because he requires riders that can appreciate a forward thinking type. Archie does not have a mean bone in his body but he is wired to always think about what is next. That isn't a bad thing but this horse is wicked smart. He was described to me as anxious and I am not sure I would say that is the case but he likes to know what you are doing. He anticipates things. You need to be the kind of rider that is soft, patient and doesn't just man handle him. If you ride him soft and relaxed he goes soft and relaxed. If you have an electric seat he will trot around 100mph happily. In the beginning he was a bit anxious about the mounting block. I suspect someone just jumped up on him and sort of whacked him around which can happen on that auction/sales circuit. We have taught him to just chill with some treats and laying over the saddle. Archie will do anything for treats/food.
He has learned to lunge and has went from a horse that swore he couldn't soften his topline to being quite fancy in a short amount of time. I think he is quite a nice mover and makes a beautiful shape in the bridle. He is truly getting all the finer points of moving sideways off the leg, stretching over his back and carrying himself.
He rides english and western. We introduced him to jumping yesterday (2/14) and he was just as brave as they come. I don't know if he had ever jumped but he thought it was rather fun. I think Archie is just one of those horses that will say yes to anything. He aims to please and he is braver than brave. Maybe a bit too bold at times but I can't really fault a horse for that. He is not spooky or silly.
Archie is sound, barefoot, no apparent injuries and he has no vices. He is excellent on the ground. He is getting used to baths but sometimes he will snort at the hose.
His quirks- he really isn't a fan of you putting paste/wormer/etc in his mouth. Really doesn't like you looking in his mouth or forcing his mouth open. He is pretty good to bridle so no real issue there but it did take a bit of a battle to worm him :) He recently had his teeth done and they weren't terrible I just think he doesn't love it and really not a big deal but I mention it.
Archie has a big personality and loves his people. I suspect he hasn't always known kindness in his life but when he trust you he will do anything for you. I really love this horse but the key to his success if finding someone that appreciates a horse with a big old engine on him. This boy can really move and motor along. We have put brakes, half halt and some fine tuning on him but I wouldn't say he is a made horse yet. I think he is going to be a kick butt event horse/jumper/etc. He is quite fancy. If is his person comes along great but we are enjoying bringing him along.
Lots of videos here- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1nODs9V_dhNErWGx94rAuJ
full details at www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: Crossbred (perch/tb?)
Age: 2015 (vet/horse dentist verified)
Height: 16.1h
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323589221
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1nODs9V_dhNErWGx94rAuJ
Just so obsessed with this horse!!!!
Political- 8yr 16.2 h gelding sired by Constitution out of a fusaichi pegasus mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/political This is an older war horse with 71 starts with just over 125k earned. You might have just stopped reading...oh he's older...or has too many starts but I would take a look at his videos! You will not meet many this special. I don't say those things lightly but he is just that type.
He is as clean as they come and his legs look better than some of the 3yrs! He arrived in the middle of a snow storm and spent the night at Stacy's house. Then he came here in the middle of pouring rain. He has been nothing but perfect for everything. Shipping, wash stall, baths, grooming, tacking, etc.
This horse is put together in a way that makes everything just so easy. He is uphill, balanced, super light, soft mouth and just three super gaits. That canter...my god you can ride it all day. My rider got off today and said that this horse makes him feel like he can really ride. I think we all understand that feeling. He is a horse that you just get on apply leg and he goes right there. You can somehow push all the buttons already. He is just that special.
We introduced him to jumping and as we expected he acted like it was just another day. He was so good he was even giving another greenie leads on his first time He was trotting and cantering and just as soft as they come. He cantered in a beautiful balance to some 3ft jumps just as nicely as you could want on a horse who had never jumped. I think it was so impressive and just shows everything this horse will be. Jumping video today https://youtu.be/jt-cBPQI5MI
Did I mention it was whipping 40mph wind? He has such a good brain and is a very sensible type. I do think he is quite an athletic big moving powerful horse that appreciates a soft ride. You have to be willing to go forward.
I could write a book about all the things that make me love this horse. There are horses that I simply would want to keep in my barn for myself or for my riders. This is one. I think that highly of him.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com will have his info as we get it.
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2017
Height: 16.2h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/political
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323813576
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn0e9q7TLlllzaFYIkJHPzB2
Magical Jaime- 9yr 16.1 h gelding sired by Magician (Galileo) out of a Holy Bull mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/magical+jaime Magician is a sire that I covet and I happen to have another coming soon. They can really move/jump and have ammy friendly brains. This horse is 9yrs old but he only has 30 starts. He earned 152k. His race record does have holes you can drive a truck through but if you dig around it appears his trainer went to prison during the whole doping scandal. I suspect the horses got sold at a dispersal sale from what I can gather. Not to mention Covid was mixed in there as well.
He is also an older horse that is just as clean as they come. Retiring very sound with no injuries and has no vices. He has a really cute head that makes him look small but he is a stocky 16.1h.
He has been great to ship, cross ties, baths, stall, turnout, clipping, hot shoes and more. He has such a fun personality.
He was snorting a bit at the other horse being lunged while he was being lunged. Nothing like lunging two horses next to one another but what impressed me was just how controlled he was about it all. Did I mention he is quite the fancy mover? This boy can flick those toes! The other horse was going all around him and he was just so good about it all. Today he was lunged in some vienna reins to show him how to use some of his parts and good lord this horse is going to be so fancy!
He was deceptively quiet to ride and went around on the buckle. I told Justin to just ride him around on a loose rein. The ring is absolutely sloppy after getting 8" of snow and then rain on it. We will ask more of him later but how impressive was he just showing off that gorgeous trot and balanced canter on such a soft rein? This one looks like he could do the hunters and everything in between.
For ride two we started to ask for a bit more forward and stretching which you can really see him start to figure out and how much it drastically changed the shape of his body and stride. He is just such a smart boy! This horse is another that is extremely rideable. You can really put your leg on and ask all the questions. I think he is a very quiet type that will just be easy for anyone to bring along.
www.benchmarksporthorses.com more details to come
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2016
Height: 16.1h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/magical+jaime
Price: $6500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323827983
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn3jdXrsLPPHIyUHK1xoPIHu
Fort Wilderness- 5yr 16.1 gelding that is built like a tank! I honestly thought he was 16.3 because he is just massive. He is sired by War Front out of a Shamardal mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/fort+wilderness Fort ran twice back in 2022 and did an extremely tiny tendon. He was hanging in the field for over a year. He was back to galloping/working/etc when his owner decided to reduce the not as talented horses. He was most recently learning to jump in the shedrow at Fairhill :) Nothing like strawbale jumping in the winter and he really shows a ton of jumping talent.
He is one of the widest Tb's that I have seen in a while. MASSIVE chest on him and barrel. Just overall extremely thick. Nice bone and nice big feet.
He has been great to handle. Excellent to ship, turnout, in his stall, clipping, grooming, etc. Stands quietly at the mounting block. He is a laid back type but he can be slightly pushy on the ground using his size a little bit. Nothing bad but I suspect that will improve quickly.
We have now done three ride on him and what an improvement!!! He is learning where to put all his parts now and how to harness all that power. You can see in his lunge video he just has this huge enormous trot but he has to figure out how to push up and out rather than just lean on the front and flick his pretty little toes. He really got in on ride three which was awesome to see. This horse has a fantastic canter! Love his hind leg. Each ride he just shows more and more. He is a big horse but super quiet and rideable. You can really ask all the questions of him without him getting worried about any of it. More of a push type of ride but not lazy. Just can really put your leg on him.
He is sound and has no vices. His bow is old and cold with recent scans available (checked by his new trainer). He will be able to do any career with zero limitations.
Videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1xBESVy8poQQdD30RF8CSZ
Full details at www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2020
Height: 16.1h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/fort+wilderness
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323763652
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn1xBESVy8poQQdD30RF8CSZ
ET's Kit Kat- 16.3 h 4yr mare sired by Emperor Tiberius out of a Candy Ride mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/e+ts+kit+kat Kit Kat trained but did not race. She has been off the track since May of 2024. She does have a registered work making her RRP eligible.
Kit Kat came to us about a month ago in super rough condition but she is feeling so good! She has been packing on the weight and her feet look awesome after adding shoes. I bought her not exactly realizing she was in such rough condition but I saw something very very special in her riding videos and boy was she worth the time. She obviously still has a bit to go but shouldn't take long now!
This mare can seriously move and jump!! We are just getting her fit right now but what a mover she is even being underweight and lacking muscle. She is very nicely uphill with a super hind leg. Just love the way her neck comes out of the shoulder. She does get a bit behind the bit here and there and she is pretty forward thinking so the hind leg can push down her front end right at this moment but that will all some as she gets stronger. We changed to the duo bit which she liked a lot better. She has such a great balanced canter.
We just had to see her over a fence and my lord yeah I would very much like to hold onto this one for a bit but now suspect everyone else will see what I saw in her from the first video. Wow! This one is going to have a very special jump on her.
So far she has worked her way right up onto the favorite list with my riders. You sit on her and you just know this one has all the right pieces to be big time.
Just give me a few more weeks to really get her glammed up and she will dazzle!
All details www.benchmarksporthorses.com
Breed: TB mare
Age: 2021
Height: 16.3h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/e+ts+kit+kat
Price: $7500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323421546
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn308JyzyU4Cs7OJ3iTSHHN9
Valentino- 5yr 15h crossbred gelding that is a stunning fancy horse in a small package. I know there are a lot of people out there that simply do not want a big horse! This horse will make everyone take notice. He is stunningly gorgeous with the cutest head you will ever see. He has the best personality that will make you smile. He is absolutely an in your pocket horse. If you are looking for one that will be your heart horse I think he is that type. He is just that type of horse that is going to be competitive in any ring. He has the brain that we are all hoping to find.
He is a super nice mover. Uphill, balanced, sits right in a lovely frame and has three quality gaits. Just put your leg on and he will make the shape. He is more whoa than go and you can really put your leg around him and ask all the questions. He is very tolerant and would be accepting of a variety of riders. The canter on him is just something that will make you smile. All of my riders rave about him. He is a barn favorite. He truly is a pleasure to ride.
He was just introduced to jumping and was cantering around on his very first time jumping. He is just that brave! He is not spooky or silly. Wind, rain, cold, etc he is always the same.
He is barefoot, sound, no injuries and has no vices.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn2Gtg6odh8bkV8yNIxhanwI all videos
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all his details.
Breed: QH cross gelding?
Age: 2020 (vet/horse dentist verified)
Height: 15h
Pedigree: unknown
Price: $8500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720323421546
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn2Gtg6odh8bkV8yNIxhanwI
Strong Lil Kokoro- 7yr 16.3 h gelding sired by Japan (Medaglia D'Oro) out of a Bustin Stones mare https://www.pedigreequery.com/strong+lil+kokoro
He had 39 starts earning 95k. Retiring sound, no injuries. He had an excellent and I really do mean excellent vetting recently which I believe anyone would be thrilled about with xrays available. He does crib. I think he is put together so well. Just uphill with a great hind leg. He is also just so so sweet and well mannered. Ships like a pro. Great for hot shoes. Great in turnout, stall, grooming, wash stall, bath, etc. I am smitten. He is just so professional and just a horse that everyone would want to have in the barn not to mention look forward to riding every single day! He has the best manners. Loves to be groomed/fussed over. Super hilarious personality. He nickers to you every time you walk in the barn. He just loves every one he meets and with his cute face you cannot help but be drawn right to him.
In the free area he was just WOW! We knew he was going to be nice but darn can this thing move! I mean the gallop is just insanely good. He was getting it pretty good around there but in such a beautiful way that I was just drooling a bit. I mean nothing as beautiful to me than a big uphill gallop. The hind leg, reach through the shoulder, uphill neck all just should be something very very special. I think this could be one of the nicer ones but I also have a few equally as nice in my barn so geez I am pretty spoiled!
He stands quietly to be tacked. Lunges perfectly. Quiet at the block. He is one of those horses that just makes the shape so easily in the bridle because he is built to go there. Just such a good mover. The hind leg is crazy good and the way he can sit and push already is a super indication of all good things to come. The canter makes me think he will jump quite a big fence. Just a really special kind of horse that screams big time in my opinion. He is so professional to ride. You just pick up the reins and he goes to work. Not hot or silly. Super easy to put your leg on and ride to the bridle. Just a very rideable relaxed type. Nicely forward on his own without feeling any nervousness. He didn't look at anything in the ring.
He is nicely coming along over fences. He really does jump better over a bigger fence and is a bit casual over smaller but that is just not a big deal. He is so quiet trotting in and really uses himself super well over the fences. He uses his whole body and topline in the area. Shows a lot of scope. So so brave and I can put fillers in, flowers, spreads, etc and he is like cool whatever you want to do. He is now learning to canter the jumps and he is just great about keeping a good rhythm. He is very honest and all you have to do is support with your leg. He always lands quietly and goes right back to a nice shape/balance.
This is just a horse that makes such a great shape. He gives such a good feel. He does ride like a big horse with a lot of power and suspension but he really allows you to put your leg on and ride him up to the bridle. There is nothing hot about him. He is not spooky or silly. He always comes out to work. He has been going this winter in some pretty crap weather and he is just a joy. He is dependable! Never puts a foot wrong.
Most recent video- https://youtu.be/hoWPUyzVulM
all videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn27xsDIy4Itx5OESaJQtfd_
www.benchmarksporthorses.com has all his info.
Breed: TB gelding
Age: 2018
Height: 16.3h
Pedigree: https://www.pedigreequery.com/gold+n+silver6
Price: $8500 subject to change
Link to lots of photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11833417@N05/albums/72177720322568030
Link to videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt-dzmhstvn27xsDIy4Itx5OESaJQtfd_
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